Keep the hospital and its premises clean and tidy.
Please stay calm and keep silence
Visitors and visiting hours are restricted.
Visiting hours of IP Room/Ward :
Morning : 7am to 9am
Afternoon : 12.30 pm to 2pm
Evening : 6pm to 8pm
Morning : 8.30am to 8.45am
Afternoon : 4.30pm to 4.45 pm
Only two persons are allowed
It is mandatory that only one bystander is allowed in patient room/ward after visiting hours.
Entry to the inpatient units are prohibited after 9 pm.
Use of intoxicated substances are strictly prohibited in hospital premises
Children below the age of 10yrs should not be brought to the patient room/ward in the interest of their own health and to avoid disturbance to other patients
You are advised not to bring any valuables in the hospital & hospital authorities will not be responsible in case of loss of the same.
In order to prevent Hospital acquired infection and for the relaxation of the patient minimise the number of visitors.
Please cooperate with the hospital Rules & Regulations.
Observe and follow the signs, notices, and precautions in and around the Hospital.
Excuse yourself when the doctor enters the wards and visit the patient unless requested to stay.
Stay for a short time as prescribed in the notice.
If you want to know about the condition of the patient in detail, you can consult the doctors at appropriate time.
Park your vehicle at appropriate parking place only in and around the Hospital
Please don't indulge in unnecessary arguments with the doctors /Nurse or other staff
Get In Touch
placeSt Joseph’s hospital, Mananthavady, Kerala 670645